Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Distance Education Vocabulary

  • Distance Education - Education that encompasses a variety of methods to support learners educational goals without requiring their attendance (or minimal attendance) in face-to-face classes.
  • Distance Learning - Learning that is delivered through electronic means such as television, interactive video conferencing, or computer networks.
  • Online Learning - Learning where most or all of the content is delivered online. Typically there are no face-to-face meetings.
  • Web-Based Learning - Learning that utilizes the web to deliver course materials and activities entirely on the world wide web. Students are typically not required to come to a campus in order to successfully complete the course.
  • Hybrid Learning - Learning that occurs with regularly scheduled classroom time replaced throughout the term at a distance and managed online via an institution's course management system. Typically, a ratio is defined to distinguish hybrid learning from online learning (e.g. 40% face-to-face and 60% online).
  • e-Learning - Learning that uses electronic media for various learning purposes (e.g. add-on functions in face-to-face classrooms, substitution of face-to-face classes with online encounters) (Guri-Rosenbilt, 2005)
  • Blended Learning - Similar to hybrid learning but may utilize additional distance learning methods other than online/face-to-face methods.
  • Distributed Learning - Learning that uses a multi-media method of instructional delivery that includes a mix of Web-based instruction, streaming video conferencing, face-to-face classroom time, distance learning through television or video, or other combinations of electronic and traditional educational models.
  • Flexible Learning - Learning that is tailored to suit the needs of the learner.
  • Open Learning - An approach to learning that gives students flexibility and choice over what, when, at what pace, where, and how they learn.
  • Synchronous Learning - Web-based learning in which communication is simultaneous. (e.g. chat rooms, interactive video, two-way interactive voice-chat).
  • Asynchronous Learning - Web-based learning in which the communication does not take place at the same time (e.g. private mail, discussion boards, bulletin boards).
  • Course Management Software/System (CMS) - A course managements system is the software that "serves" course content to your students. It also allows you to manage student use of the courses and to monitor student progress, and it provides tools for student-student and student-instructor communication.
  • Learning Management Software/System (LMS) - a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, and reporting of training programs, classroom and online events, e-learning programs, and training content.

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