Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Distance Education Knowledgebase

The following is a brief listing of peer-reviewed research on selected topics in Distance Education:

2. How is distance education different than face-to-fac
e education?

How Does Distance Education Compare with Classroom Instruction? A Meta-Analysis of the Empirical Literature (Bernard, Abrami, Lou, Borokhovski, et.al., 2004)

Business Ethics Training: Face-to-Face and at a Distance (French, 2006)

3. What special needs does a distance learner have?

Constructing Virtual Worlds: Tracing the Historical Development of Learner Practices (Barab, Hay, Barnett & Squire, 2001)

4. What specific skills does a teacher need in an online environment to meet the needs of students?

Prospective Teachers' Problem Solving in Online Peer-Led Dialogues (Wade, Fauske & Thompson, 2008)

Conducting a Distance Education Course When You are the Distant One (Roper, 2004)

Effective Teacher Behaviors and Michael Moore's Theory of Transactional Distance (Shannon, 2002)

5. What theoretical frameworks or perspectives influence distance education?

Defining, Assessing, and Promoting E-Learning Success: An Information Systems Perspective (Holsapple & Lee-Post, 2006)

Globalization and the Emergence of For-Profit Higher Education (Morey, 2004)

6. What are the trends in distance education?

Exploring a Distance Education Partnership between Historically Black Colleges and Universities and African Universities (Ayadi, Adekoya & Ikem, 2005)

Distance Education' and 'E-Learning': Not the Same Thing (Guri-Rosenblit, 2005)

7. What are the challenges (for students, for teachers, for schools) for distance education?

The Design of Online Learning Communities: Critical Issues (Charalambos, Michalinos & Chamberlain, 2004)

Competing in the Marketplace: Incorporating Online Education into Higher Education (Folkers, 2005)

Understanding the Real Barriers to Technology-Enhanced Innovation
in Higher Education (Schneckenberg, 2009)

Facebook Friends (Houston Chronicle, 2008)

Copyright in the Classroom (Houston Chronicle, 2010)

8. What are the rewards (for students, for teachers, for schools) of distance education?

Students' Perceptions of Academic Motivation, Interactive Participation, and Selected Pedagogical and Structural Factors in Web-Based Distance Learning (Carey & Gregory, 2002)

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